Body By Andi
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BODY By Andi | Personal Trainer
South Sydney, NSW 2230
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One thing you must understand is that everyone is different. No two people are ever the same. For example, you can have two very similar people – who eat the same foods. Train with the same intensities. Do the same exercises. Sleep for the same amount of hours…and get totally different results.
In the same time period, one might look great and shape up fast… while the other will result in just a few little changes – or no changes at all.
That’s why at Body By Andi, you are never prescribed with ‘generic’ workouts. We understand that you are different and must be given specific, tailored workouts which suits your body type, lifestyle and mindset. Also, your nutritional habits play a huge role in how fast you can change.
Unless all these factors are calculated for you on site, it’s impossible to tell how quickly and specifically you can start seeing results.
However, we at Body By Andi can tell you this: Based on what we’ve seen so far, from the moment we analyse people’s body type, fitness levels and nutritional habits – and they follow exactly what’s prescribed for their body to change… they usually notice changes within the first 7 days. And sometimes, much quicker. Contact Andi to see if she can provide you the best personal training in Sydney and online.
Professionals recommend 30-60 minutes of physical activity per day. The 60-minute suggestion is based on the National Academy of Science’s perfect recommendation for people who are attempting to reduce weight.
You can get real health advantages (and burn lots of calories) with much shorter, focused workouts throughout the day. In other words, you don’t have to find 60 minute blocks. Exercising throughout the day works better.
While 30 minutes of physical activity is thought about enough to reduce your threat of heart problems, stroke, and hypertension, even 10 minutes a day will do you good. Bear in mind that you don’t have to do all your exercises in one session: A 30-minute aerobics session in the morning, a 20-minute walk after work, and 10 minutes of mopping the floor after dinner works wonders.
And as always, don’t forget to include some strength training and stretching in your exercises, too.
Professionals recommend 30-60 minutes of physical activity per day. The 60-minute suggestion is based on the National Academy of Science’s perfect recommendation for people who are attempting to reduce weight.
You can get real health advantages (and burn lots of calories) with much shorter, focused workouts throughout the day. In other words, you don’t have to find 60 minute blocks. Exercising throughout the day works better.
While 30 minutes of physical activity is thought about enough to reduce your threat of heart problems, stroke, and hypertension, even 10 minutes a day will do you good. Bear in mind that you don’t have to do all your exercises in one session: A 30-minute aerobics session in the morning, a 20-minute walk after work, and 10 minutes of mopping the floor after dinner works wonders.
And as always, don’t forget to include some strength training and stretching in your exercises, too.
The 60-minute suggestion is for those who are attempting to prevent weight gain, or keep themselves from regaining weight after they’ve lost it.
It’s not for people who are trying to increase or keep their cardio-respiratory fitness or health.
But what if you don’t have 60 minutes a day? Good news: It doesn’t matter. There’s plenty of studies revealing that just 30 minutes of physical activity a day will help you acquire lots of health and wellness benefits.
Keep in mind that you don’t need to do all your workouts and exercises in one day. You may exercise for just 15 minutes on one day – and 30-45 minutes on the other. In other words, if 60 minutes is too much for you, attempt 15- 30 minutes as a starting objective.
The important thing is you do something. That’s what matters.
Depending on your body type, it’s best to mix up your exercises.
First in your mix, combine some endurance exercises such as jogging, aerobics, bicycling, rowing, or swimming. These activities should be performed at a moderate intensity; you should be able to talk without running out of breath during the activity.
Such endurance exercises should be gradually increased to approximately 40 minutes to an hour.
Second in your mix is to add strength and resistance exercises for shaping your body. The most common is using your body weight and working with weights and machines. These exercises alone shouldn’t last more than 45 minutes.
It’s best to separate your endurance from your resistance exercises and do them on separate days. If time is a factor, then you can split your endurance and resistance training within the same session. A beginner should perform 20 minutes of resistance training followed by another 30-40 minutes of endurance training for effective changes.
First if you’re unsure, talk with your doctor about your exercise plans. Usually you’ll be given the O.K. – but it’s always sure to be safe.
Your physician can guide you on what’s safe for your current condition. Also, if it’s your first time, it’s best to see a trainer to better analyse and gauge your current condition.
After that, start incorporating more light activity into your daily life. For example:
Try taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
Purposely park further away and walk to your destination.
If it’s a habit to eat at your desk, take a 5-10 minute walk first, then have your lunch. (Or take a 5-10 minute walk after you eat).
Instead of resting on weekends and watching TV – plan active weekends. Perform activities such as going to the park, take a walking tour, ride your bike or play some weekend sports.
If you haven’t already, try joining a gym or working out at home.
Aim for 30-45 minutes of continuous, light aerobic activity such as swimming, walking, biking, dancing, or jogging 3 to 5 times a week.
Include weight training. This helps tone your muscles and rise your resting metabolic rate (the speed your body burns fuel). Try at least one set (8 to 12 repetitions)each of eight to ten different exercises, targeting each of the body’s major muscle groups.
Whatever plan you decide on, it’s important to set weekly goals:
Specifically, write down the activities you plan to do, on what day of the week, the duration and at what time of day. Be specific and realistic. For example, write down“ Wednesday: Walk for 30 minutes at 8 p.m., to the park and back.”
At the end of each week, review and go over your goals and set new ones for the following week.
Setting goals helps you stay with your program. And it makes it fun. It also clarifies what you’re supposed to do and lets you track your progress. If you hit a plateau later on, you can refer to what’s worked in the past – and use your accomplishments to re-motivate yourself.
I haven’t come across a medical condition that prevents people from doing some sort of exercise.
Some people may need a medical clearance to exercise and will be largely restricted in their ability. But, there’s always something to do – even at the lightest loads and intensities. A specialist may be required and someone to professionally monitor you – but there’s always a way to exercise.
And people with limited mobility can often exercise in the water, or do yoga and other exercises while seated in a chair. As always, if you have any medical condition, check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.
First, if you believe lifting weights is of any concern for you, check with your doctor.
Lifting weights does 2 things for you; it will not only help you lose weight, but assist your efforts in maintaining your weight loss. Here’s why:
First, muscle keeps your metabolism working and firing up while burning calories, fat, and sugar.
When people usually report drastic changes in weight loss, usually up to 25% of that loss comes from muscle, resulting in a slower metabolism. Lifting weights and resistance training will help preserve or rebuild any muscle lost through dieting.
Second, weight training improves your body’s muscle-to-fat ratio. A good looking body always has less body fat and more muscle. That’s what gives it shape, tone and firmness. Also, it improves both your health and everyday well-being.
There are several reasons why your weight can hit a plateau. Here are a list of the most common ones.
Losing weight too quickly. Most people starting out believe the less they eat and the more they exercise – the greater weight they’ll lose. To a point, this is correct. But when not monitored or done correctly, their metabolism (the rate at which your body burns calories)can slow down to a complete stop – because their body senses a form of ‘starvation’. When this happens, the body will not release any of its fat stores for energy. Instead, it’ll do what it can to store fat.
Losing muscle. When people lose weight, generally up to 25% can come from muscle tissue alone. And since muscle is your body’s metabolic engine that burns calories and helps maintain your metabolism, losing it affects your metabolic rate and halts your weight loss efforts.
Reducing your physical activity and/or increasing your calories. This is the area most people fail at monitoring. Energy balance is a fragile balance, where if calories are either too little or too much – it can have drastic effects on your weight loss. Most people don’t realise how much calories they’re really eating and in 90% of cases they grossly underestimate –thinking they’re eating within good limits. The same goes with exercise. Sometimes people ‘think’ they’re doing enough…but are no way near performing at an effective rate. It’s very important for an individual to be professionally monitored so weight loss can continue – uninterrupted.
Other health factors, including thyroid or adrenal gland problems; antidepressants; trying to quit smoking; menopause; and pregnancy. When every possible effort of physical activity and nutritional habits have been addressed and you still can’t lose weight– then you should start looking into other areas outside exercise and nutrition. Speak to your doctor to troubleshoot other medical conditions.
But in most cases, losing weight generally comes down to eating fewer calories than you burn. Studies show people almost always underestimate their caloric intake. So if you’re struggling with weight loss and you’re still exercising, and you’ve ruled out most reasons for your weight plateau, look at your calorie intake or mix up your fitness routine. In most cases, your solution lies within those two realms.
Getting a flat tummy is purely based on how much discipline you have invested in yourself.
Some people are ‘born’ genetically to not store much fat around their waste – making their achievements easier. While others are born with extra fat cells and put fat on easily – especially around their waste.
Nevertheless, it all comes down to discipline. And how much time and effort you’re willing to invest in your body.
That aside, there are 2 basic workouts that can assist you; strength training mixed with cardio. The abdominals are much like any other muscle group: For them to be noticeable, they have to enlarge – while the fat that lies over them must reduce. What makes the abdominal muscles hard to see is they’re covered with fat. It’s that simple. Strength training the abdominals is only part of the picture.
If you combine strength training with moderate intensity cardio, your chances of revealing those sexy abs are much greater.
However, there’s still the most neglected area in anyone’s shaping efforts: nutrition.
Even when the exercise stimulus is sufficient, the function of diet must not be ignored. All individuals with a flat tummy or six-pack have a very low percentage of body fat. And if you look into their nutritional habits, they’re very well disciplined. More so than others. It’s just a fact you cannot ignore.
But all of these 4 things must be incorporated at the same time to achieve a flat tummy you’re proud to show off:
1. Work those abdominal muscles.
2. Burn extra calories through moderate cardio.
3. Have a disciplined, well thought out nutritional plan.
4. Create a bullet-proof mindset and the discipline to follow-through. If any of these 4 parts are neglected, your chances of achieving a flat tummy are slim.
In most cases you don’t not need dietary supplements unless you have a documented vitamin deficiency or do not eat a balanced diet.
Using supplements as an alternative to a well-balanced diet can lead to serious nutritional deficiencies in other nutrients.
That’s why they’re called ‘supplements’. They’re supposed to supplement you current diet. Not replace it.
It is always healthier and smarter to acquire vitamins and minerals from natural food than to obtain them from a pill.
However, serious vitamin deficiencies do occur in a small proportion of the population and supplements are useful for making sudden improvements in vitamin status.
Supplements for losing fat or building muscle are rapidly becoming popular.
Watch out for such claims of “fat-burning” supplements. They claim to work by decreasing body fat by ‘freeing’ fatty acids. These claims are faulty at best.
Untrained individuals have a hard time ‘freeing’ fatty acids.
Therefore, supplements which claim to increase this procedure are not of any value for untrained people.
For those who eat a balanced diet, (a diet designed for their body type) has no evidence that muscle-building supplements, including protein powders and amino acids, build muscle mass.
The few supplements whose muscle-building potential is supported by research are effective mostly in elite athletes who have undergone many years of training. And even then, the results are negligible at only 1-3% benefit at best.
Unless you have a documented nutritional deficiency by your doctor or health care professional, supplements are largely a waste of money and are unnecessary. Aim for a healthy lifestyle and you’ll be much better off.
Muscle soreness is common and you shouldn’t be alarmed when it happens. It’s just a way your body is telling you that it experienced something ‘different’.
Muscle soreness happens when an exercise is new or a load is greater than normal.
When performing resistance exercises in a slow fashion, keeping high tension on the muscle at all times results in more soreness in the days following the workout than faster movements. Your muscles are more thoroughly worked this way and causes them to work harder with more tension (creating more ‘micro-tears within the muscle).
And this soreness can occur in the days after exertion and is called delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).
Soreness generally increases in intensity during the first 24 hours post-exercise, peaks in the next 48 hours, then decreases within five to seven days after the workout.
Many people experiencing DOMS usually become worried because their mobility is restricted. Don’t worry. DOMS is not associated with any long-term damage or reduced muscle function.
As you adapt to this training load, your muscles will be less sore following a workout.
In short, yes.
If you’re new to exercise, listen to your body. Take things slowly and get enough rest.
In the first trimester, if you feel well enough, keep moving. Whatever physical activities you were doing before, you can still do – but at a much lower intensity with slight variations. For example, swap running and jogging for brisk walking, cycling and swimming.
You would want to limit bouncing as much as you can.
If working your abdominals, follow these guidelines: In the first trimester, lie on the floor supporting the abdominal wall, wrapping your arms around your belly and do light abdominal contractions.
In the second and third trimesters, it’s best to not lie down. Instead, replace with standing and chair exercises, keeping your balance.
You may also tone your buttocks and thighs with ballet-style standing exercises, contracting abdominals for balance and stability.
These are only guidelines – but every individual is different. The idea of exercising when pregnant is not to get a ‘training effect’ or break new records or increase your fitness levels. Instead, it’s just to get your blood flowing through your body and reducing your stress levels. Light exercising when pregnant is great for your baby’s development and many women report an easier labour.
It’s most probably a mindset issue.
When you’re motivated to exercise and have a strong reason to, people can exercise for years, making it fun each time. It all starts in your mind.
Why should you exercise? What’s your motive to do so? If your ‘why?’ isn’t strong enough, then it’s your challenge to find it.
Also in many cases, people just don’t know ‘how’ to exercise. They might not have the right direction or support – or feel they aren’t doing the exercises correctly.
Or perhaps their nutritional habits need an overhaul.
Every individual is different.
Having no time means that you haven’t created time yet. I know of the busiest people who work over 13 hours a day who still find time to exercise. It’s all about their priorities and sticking to a disciplined plan.
If you don’t really like it, then maybe your workout routines aren’t fun or challenging enough. Or perhaps you’ve tried to do it on your own in the past and it didn’t work out. It could be a confidence issue.
Try working out with a partner and keep yourselves accountable to each other. Perhaps invest in a personal trainer and wellness professional who truly understand your individual needs – who monitors and guides you to the dream body and lifestyle you deserve.
Exercise should be fun and everyone should have time for it. It’s a necessity for keeping healthy and living a life full of energy. And I’m sure that’s the kind of life you want to have – and the person you want to be.
Are you looking for the best personal trainer online or in Sydney to get you results? Call us or make an enquiry today.