BODY By Andi | Personal Trainer

Body By Andi

South Sydney, NSW 2230

0401 432 301

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Looking For a Motivating Personal Trainer in Sydney or Online, Who Gets You Results, Fast?

Then, you’ve come to the right place.

Functional Strength

With Body By Andi, you'll gain strength, lose body fat and improve your physical fitness at the fastest rate your body can handle.


Work with Andi, one of Australia's best personal trainers as she motivates you through workouts, gives nutrition advice and makes sure you get results, fast.


Transform yourself physically, mentally and emotionally as you grow stronger, coupled with an incredible self-confidence.

Here's Why Body By Andi is First Choice For 1-on-1 & Online Personal Training

Results in as Little as 7 Days.

First we get to know you. After that, we prescribe the ideal exercises, as part of a tailored personal training program, for your body type, personality and goals. This way, you achieve greater levels of fitness and achieve results as fast as your body can handle.

Warm, Caring 1-on-1 Private Personal Training Both Online And In-Person.

All 1-on-1 private personal training and group fitness training sessions are performed online in the comfort and privacy of your own home or wherever you desire. Meaning, Andi becomes your fitness coach with no distractions. During your journey with BBA, Andi supports and is with you at all times.

Nutrition Consults With All Personal Training.

Knowing what to eat for your body type can give you 3x faster progression towards your fitness and health goals than training alone. In addition to your training, your personal fitness trainer provides you with expert nutrition advice. Why do we do this? Because your results matter.


The BBA Experience

Body By Andi performs fitness consultations in her personal training studio.

Getting to Know You.

Before you start training with us, you and your personal trainer get to know each other. This way, Andi will know exactly the types of exercises, nutrition and workout structures to give you. As a result, you're trained with the most efficient personal training sessions, giving you a quicker transformation.

Nutrition Consults.

In just the first nutrition consultation, your trainer will tell you which foods make you recover quicker and the foods hurting your transformation. This way, you'll know which foods are made for your body composition and the foods to avoid. Similarly, your personal fitness will improve and you'll notice a surge in energy levels.

We also take your weight and body measurements.

Progress Tracking.

Your progress is professionally tracked by Andi so you don't have to worry about a thing. This way, you never get 'stuck' and you're always progressing. As your fitness instructor, Andi will inform you if your nutrition needs adjusting. But, for them most part, you'll progress and stay motivated throughout your journey.

Increasing fitness with all technical personal training sessions.

Technical PT Sessions.

Andi makes sure you're performing each exercise correctly. This includes technique, speed, tempo and form. Correct exercise technique makes you stronger quicker, prevents injuries and results in much faster changes to your body.

Body by Andi is ready to train you…

What To Expect From Body By Andi

Guaranteed Results With All Personal Training Sessions.

Searching for a personal trainer online and in South Sydney who guarantees results? At Body By Andi, we make it easy. With your personal training sessions, nutrition consults and fun workouts, you're guaranteed results in a very short time.

Warm, Caring Online Personal Training Sessions.​

Andi has been regarded by many as the most caring face to face or online personal fitness trainer they’ve ever had. She listens to your needs, motivates and supports you at all times.

Monthly Nutrition Consults With Your Trainer.​

In addition to your training, knowing which foods to eat (and which to avoid) could be the difference between seeing drastic changes as opposed to no change at all.

The Right Exercises For Your Body Type & Personality.​

As your online personal trainer, Andi prescribes the right exercises producing the fastest results for your body type. Your personal fitness levels will improve, you'll get stronger and leaner. In addition, your workouts are fun and you'll love each training session.

Monthly Progression Reports With Your Trainer.​

Training with Body By Andi means you're progressing each week. This means you don't need to do anything else. Just train. We'll take care of adjusting your exercises and nutrition so you don't have to. Results never stop with BBA.

24/7 Motivational Phone Support​

If you're looking for a personal trainer in South Sydney or completely online who can also motivate and train your mind, you've found the right personal trainer. If throughout your training you ever feel a loss of motivation, Body By Andi has your back. Just pick up the phone and speak with her. She'll recharge and bounce you back into a positive, results driven mindset in no time!

Contact Info

In addition to our online personal training and our base in South Sydney, we also have our Coburg personal training studio which is located in Victoria. Call us or make an enquiry to learn more about our services.


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If you don’t know how to start with fitness training or are unsure how to keep improving your progress, then 1-1 personal training could really benefit you. If you want to perfect your techniques when it comes to lifting weights or doing other types of strengthening exercises a pt can watch you and tell you exactly where you need to make tweaks to improve. 

If you struggle with motivation to regularly and consistently train, working with a personal trainer can really help you here too. The right personal trainer will be able to motivate you, by helping you to refocus on your why, offering words of encouragement and creating a warm, caring and enjoyable training environment.Is it worth paying for personal training?

100% yes. Personal training can provide a level of fitness education, specific to you and your own body that you can’t get from going to the gym on your own, watching YouTube or even attending a group fitness class. A personal trainer like Andi can closely watch your technique for each exercise and help you to correct and perfect it, so that you can get the most out of each training session and prevent injury. A skilled personal trainer can also teach you new exercises you never knew existed and incorporate these into your training program so that you never plateau and continue to progress.

Yes! You are more than welcome to book an introductory pt session, to see if we are a fit.

Before your first personal training session Andi will organise an introductory phone call or Facetime with you to get an understanding of your current fitness level, your previous experience with training and your fitness goals. She will create your first session based on this conversation. During your first pt session she will be able to more thoroughly assess your needs, after which she’ll be able to create a custom personal training program for you. This program will then be fluid and evolving, according to your individual needs as you progress.

Andi is a former professional tennis player with 16 years of experience working in the training and fitness arena. She has profound expertise on all of the body’s muscle groups and how they work together, and she is able to apply this knowledge to help you create results fast, without overexerting yourself or training to exhaustion. She also knows how to train to prevent injury, working with you to strengthen key supportive muscle groups and never pushing you if you feel any pain or discomfort.

No, that’s not the BBA way! Andi prides herself on being able to motivate and encourage people in order to get the best out of them. Creating a space where people feel at ease and cared for is a big part of this. Allowing people to feel comfortable enough to be honest about the exercises that feel challenging, or the psychological aspects of training that make things feel hard, is absolutely essential, so that your trainer can then help you to progress.

Yes you certainly can! Andi has a multitude of years of experience helping people to achieve all kinds of fitness goals. 


If a pert booty is your thing, we at BBA run a specially created program called BBA Butt Lift, to target those glutes and have you feeling more confident than ever.

Yes. Following a consultation, Andi will create a bespoke nutrition plan, based on your dietary requirements and preferences. Nutrition plans are evidence-based and created based on Andi’s years of experience, to support your progress.

You’ll feel results straight away after your first pt session, as you’ll have been using different muscles and muscle groups. You may also notice improvements to your posture and alignment straight away. Typically after around 4 weeks you’ll also be able to noticeably see results too, and these will keep getting better and better the more you train with BBA.

This is completely up to you, depending on your fitness goals. Andi will look at a range of factors, which can include, body measurements, body weight and body composition, before and after photos of your progress, and assessments of your increasing capabilities in sessions.

When you are injured, it’s important to approach training with caution and seek guidance from a healthcare professional or a certified personal trainer who has experience working with injured individuals. Andi is a very technical trainer and injury prevention is number one priority at all times.

Remember, it’s never too late to start incorporating exercise into your routine and working towards improved fitness and well-being. In fact, strength training is essential as we age, and will help to prevent future injuries, and sustain longevity.

Yes, you can! We recognise how many people these days are time-poor, find it hard to travel to and from a gym multiple times a week, or would simply prefer to train in their own home for a multitude of reasons. For us at BBA, helping people to be their best fittest selves is a calling, which is why we have created BBA On Demand. This is completely online personal training, which allows you to train from home but still enjoy all of the benefits of working 1-1 with a personal trainer.

Personal trainers in Sydney typically charge around $80 an hour on average. Andi has more experience and a higher level of technical expertise than a lot of trainers out there, and charges a lower hourly rate than most of them. The reason for this is that Andi believes fitness, strength and a sense of wellbeing in our bodies should be accessible to more people. It is for this reason also, that she has developed BBA On Demand, to allow people to train more easily, at home, or from anywhere. Here at BBA our goal is to help as many people as possible to reach theirs.